Sustainable development is a broad term referring now to practically all areas of life, a philosophy and a global action program to prevent negative phenomena: the depletion of non-renewable natural resources, degradation of the quality of living environment in cities and unequal social, economic and environmental opportunities. Individual countries pursue long-term programs and guidelines according to their own specific climate and culture, and Poland as a EU member is adapting the construction market in terms of spatial policy and regulations. In this process of adjusting the design and building industry to the new challenges architect is one of the most important figures because of their knowledge and competences and the first must combine design experience with the new legal, environmental, social and planning requirements while at the same time be guide for the investor and coordinator of other participants in the building process. In our company, a foundation for building these competencies (sustainable design, sustainable architecture) is the transfer of knowledge from the research activities to practice, as well as discussions within the industry and the analysis of best practices and examples from countries with advanced level of formal and technological solutions.